Post Leaving Certificate Courses

Drumshanbo Vocational School has a long tradition of offering Post Leaving Certificate Courses to learners:  The college currently offers one PLC the Business IT course which is full-time and applicants gain a full QQI Level 5 qualification (5M2468) in one year. This course has been in existence for over 50 years and has evolved over the years.

What is a PLC course?

PLC courses are usually one year courses which offer a mixture of practical work, academic work and work experience.

They are designed as a step towards skilled employment and, as such, they are closely linked to industry and its needs or some students use points acquired from PLC courses as an entry to college.

PLC courses are modular based and students performance and certification are assessed on a continuous basis as opposed to one final exam at the end of the course

Research conducted by third level Institute of Technologies has shown that students who have previously completed a Post Leaving Certificate course prior to commencement of college have higher retention levels.
Who is the course suited for?

Leaving Certificate graduates taking a year out before college.
Learners wishing to gain an IT qualification to assist with employment.
Alternative option to repeating the Leaving Certificate - opportunity to progress to third level colleges including NUIG with PLC qualifications for those who may not have Irish or a foreign language.
Social welfare recipients - Those in receipt of Job Seekers payment for 3 months continue their social welfare payments under BTEA scheme

What modules are covered on the PLC course?

The modules which are covered on the PLC course are very practical in nature with a strong emphasis on developing IT Skills:

Learners are required to complete a minimum of 8 from the following selection:

Wordprocessing  (Word)
Database (Access)
Professional Presentations (Powerpoint)
Bookkeeping Manual and Computerised - SAGE Accounts
Payroll - Sage
Spreadsheets - Excel
Work Experience
Business Administration
Desktop Publishing (Publisher)

The benefits of doing our full-time course include:

All notes, assignments and class material available to learners online through Moodle, this has facilitated more flexible learning as students can read through material/quizzes/videos in their own time again if they wish.
We also use Class Notebook which enables learners/examiners view the assignments they have submitted and get feedback which they can view online in their own private space.
Learners will become very competent in using Office 365 suite - saving to One Drive, using Sharepoint, Teams, Outlook etc
Opportunity for learners to obtain 2 weeks work experience abroad, under Erasmus programme (this year's successful learners' flights, accommodation and spending money are covered whilst gaining vocational work experience in Malaga after Easter.
Alternative entry route to a range of University Courses using Higher Education Links Scheme (we have a learner this year pursuing Commerce in NUIG who did not have Irish or a  foreign language).
Centre is a dedicated spacious adult learning setting in Drumshanbo Enterprise Centre, Hilly Rd.
Workplace IT Skills:  Learners obviously acquire skills and QQI qualifications in Wordprocessing, Spreadsheets, Database, Powerpoint, Publisher, as well as SAGE accounts and payroll which should enable them get an Administration position locally if they wish.

How do I apply? 

Applicants can apply online through either

the website  search for PLC Drumshanbo

by clicking on the following link:  PLC Business IT course Drumshanbo . 

An applicant who applies through the website, will get confirmation within one week of their application and an interview time will arranged with them by email/text.

Not able to apply online - not a problem!
If your aren't familiar with FETCH courses or don't feel confident in applying online interested applicants can email [email protected],  leaving their contact details and I will arrange to meet and explain about the course.  Alternatively they can ring the school on (071) 9641085 to arrange an appointment.

Letter from Co-ordinator & Principal February 2021. Click here

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